Message of CEO
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of our valued customers for Unical’s steady advancement even under severe environmental and economic conditions.
We have constructed the system which works R&D, manufacturing, sales and trading in the industrial cleaning and the surface treatment agent industry.
We could have had support from many customers in the metal material industry and the metal parts industry, and we have contributed to the important three principles, “Improvement in Environment”, “Improvement in Quality” and “Reduction in Cost”. Unical has regarded environmental efforts as important. Companies cannot set clear visions without addressing environmental problems in recent years. The challenge for most manufacturing companies is to manage their environmental costs so that they can grow their businesses while addressing the environmental issues which are becoming increasingly more stringent.
We have been developing chemical products that satisfy three principles at the same time. Every company can satisfy the three principles through our products and this result brings improvement in environment. So it is our heartfelt pleasure that we can contribute to “growth of a company and improvement in environment” which can be called a win-win situation.
Unique feature of our products is eternal life of cleaning agents. We put us a slogan, which is “extension of the life of the earth an additional 1,000 years”, based on the eternal life of agents. As a result of the eternal life, we can reduce large amount of waste disposal, and we can attain the protection of the environment and the growth of enterprise at the same time.
This type of our products is popular and used in the world, such as Japan, China, India, Taiwan, Korea, Southeast Asian, Europe and North America. At Unical we will continually attempt to satisfy our customers’ needs by listening to our customers’ voices and by being true to our own mottos ”Original Technology”, ”Environmental Protection”, ”Customers First”.
We appreciate your continuing support for our business.